
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Denim Knife holder bags

Wednesday is no class days! hahaha

Nothing to do but face the computer and say hi to the world for some but me I have a simple earning technique that I have. I am a culinary student and most of the people I communicated with in my field likes to have a knife case. Lucky me I can make them in just a day! Yah I do sew simple stuffs. I am from Taal,Batangas ang sewing is one of the common jobs we have here so I learn a thing or two about sewing stuffs. As a result I have made 4 knife cases and still I have 2 orders left for me to do in a little while. I used sewing machine for it because it is much easier than doing it with your hands. I make personally designed knife cases to suit their own needs. Come on we don't have the same sizes of knives and we don't have the same things! So having them design it will be an eye catching moment for them to order and designed the best looking knife cases their will be. I used denim cloth since it can withstand the blade of the knife.

heres a definition of sewing from WIKIPEDIA: 
Sewing is the craft of fastening or attaching objects using stitches made with a needle andthread. Sewing is one of the oldest of the textile arts, arising in the Paleolithic era. Before the discovery of spinning yarn or weaving fabricarchaeologists believe Stone Age people across Europe and Asia sewed fur and skin clothing using boneantler or ivory needles and "thread" made of various animal body parts including sinewcatgut, and veins.

I have here an example pic of what I'm doing in reality(i just get this pic in google so its not the real thingy):
They can request anything since they are the one to design their own knife cases.

Oops! I think its time for me to sew! Chow!

1 comment:

  1. That looks more like a whole kitchen case than just a knife case! Have you considered selling these online? Maybe even include a knife set with the case :)
